Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya speaks - Generation situation and economics of Sri Lankan power sector

“When we talk about power generation situation, we have to consider three issues namely; adequacy of generation, cost of generation and the generation mix” said Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya, senior energy consultant, during an interview with EnergyzEE team. Dr. Thilak Siyambalapitiya Dr. Siyambalapitiya graduated from University of Moratuwa, and earned his PhD from the University of Cambridge. He carries 30 years of experience in the energy sector of Sri Lanka, as well as in the region. He has worked in Ceylon Electricity Board, and in Saudi Arabia, on power sector planning and policy. He is a Chartered Engineer, and a Past President of Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association. He is currently an international energy consultant, working with...

CIC Wonder Bulb

  INTRODUCTION The invention of electric bulb in the 18th century itself was a great revelation in human history. Since then it has been a part and parcel of every human beings’ day to day life. At present, technology has developed up to highly energy efficient LED lamps. Meanwhile, CFL has made a comeback in the most radical manner. CIC Holdings PLC, in association with Hybrid Technologies and Orel Manufacturing introduces a CFL bulb that works as an air sanitizer, air purifier and deodorizer offering a safe and clean air without using any chemicals. TECHNOLOGY BEHIND THE WONDER BULB It has no electronic circuit components that are different from a common CFL. The only component used for air purification is a Nano layer of TiO2...

Acrobatic polymer film developed at MIT harvests energy from water vapor

Revealing the true dimensions of power generation, an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) research successfully depicts the ability to harvest energy accumulated in water vapor by means of a polymer film. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a well-known institute of broad perspectives such as science, technology, architecture and planning, engineering, humanities, arts, and social sciences, management and so on. MIT is being performing number of high tech researches which would be supposed to yield important results regarding future direction of the world. The very research itself illustrates how much it is significant not only in energy trade but also in sustainable power generation diminishing environmental...

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