Dynamic Traffic Light Controller

Introduction This project is to design a dynamic traffic light controller, which adopts according to real time traffic flow and then control the switching of signals according to the traffic condition. In this design, induction loops are used as vehicle detectors and the control of traffic lights is done dynamically by a fuzzy logic controller in such a way to get a smooth flow of traffic. The control signals from main controller to the controllers at each traffic light is done through wireless communication which is another significant feature in this design. Project Scope There are three main sub sections in the project as in names, detection, controlling and communication. Under the first section vehicles has to be detected to get a...

VEGA - Towards a new era with super speed

Crude oil reserves are rapidly diminishing. Therefore the prices of the petroleum are rising. Further the burning of petroleum oil causes deadly effects towards the environment with millions of vehicles in the world. That number is enough to have a clear image about the amount of the petroleum burnt per second in the world. These clues give us the evidence to switch our energy sources currently used in vehicles to a clean energy source. Timely necessity of an Electrical vehicle……… Electricity can be generated with less or no effect to the environment. There are plenty of non-conventional renewable methods to generate the electricity. Therefore it is foreseen that there will be an optimistic future for electricity generation which can be...

Design and Build a Real Life Power System Model

Introduction It is important for an Electrical Engineering undergraduate to know about power systems in theoretical as well as in a practical approach. Thus, a power system simulator is ideal to understand practically the theories learnt in class. Commercially available models though are in existent, the endeavor was taken to design and build a power system simulator, as a final year project. The simulator is a scaled down model of the actual power system prevailing in the Sri Lankan context. Though it is a scaled down model, all electrical components such as generators, relays, circuit breaker panels are all actual industry used components. As a continuing project many aspects are being developed piece by piece under the guidance of the...

Development of a prototype of vehicle active suspension system

Introduction The aim of the project is to develop an active suspension system for vehicles. In this project, the main objective is to suppress the vibrations caused due to the imperfections of the road surface and give a better stability to the sprung mass. In order to achieve this goal, the suspension system changes its characteristics and suppress the vibrations according to the vibration level of the road and applied disturbances. Project scope The proposed method consist of a controller, linear motor driver, linear motor acting as an actuator and feedback sensors are used to complete the control system. The controller will accumulate suppressed vibration performance details of the system and takes position feedback of the motor using...

E-waste - A national issue to be considered...

Electronic waste (e –waste) is one of the major environmental issues which are currently faced by the developing countries as well as the developed countries all around the world. With the rapid technological development, many innovative products arrive to the market. The demand for those innovative products is growing day by day and those innovative products replace the existing ones. Thus, that will create a hazardous situation regarding the disposal. In our country – Sri Lanka too, the current consumption of the new technological equipment is increasing in a considerable rate with respect to the past and the disposal of waste will be a huge issue, in the near future. So, it’s very much convenient to be aware of e – waste, its impact and...

What is so special about Inverter type Air Conditioners….

Have you ever tried hiding the remote controller of the air conditioner simply to get rid of the extensive current bill? If so, inverter type air conditioners are just the thing for you! This particular strategy of energy saving is suggested in a popular TV advertisement, nowadays. As it suggests, with this inverter type air conditioners energy saving up to 60% can be expected.  Therefore, it is worth to have a look, how this new phase of technology accounts for the energy efficiency and the performance of the air conditioners. The basic operation of the air conditioners is to extract the heat energy from a compartment area and release it to the outer environment.Therefore, when maintaining the air conditioned space, at a lower temperature,...

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