The Need for Electrified Transportation. Dr. Narendra Speaks

Dr. Nareendra De Silva, Head of Engineering, Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt) Ltd pointed out that the motivation behind the world to move towards electric transportation is the environmental considerations. In Sri Lankan context additionally we can step towards a flatten load curve with the proper due implementation of electrification of transportation. He also unfolded the challenges that the field of electrical engineering would engage while moving towards this new era ...


BE READY TO WITNESS THE VIEWPOINT OF EXPERTS AT WATERS EDGE The fuel of choice for efficient future transportation is yet to be unraveled. Fossil fuels are nearly dying off and it is time to find alternatives. As the leading energy institutions of the world are competing with each other with research and new inventions, electricity for transportation has been emerging as a practical solution. With a variety of locomotives and automobiles powered by electricity, running all around the world, one cannot simply ignore the significance of electrified transportation. Sri Lanka too became familiar with the concept not very long ago.The introduction of hybrid vehicles from Toyota and Honda to the Sri Lankan market was a milestone in its electrified transportation....

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