Enhancing awareness and advancing technical expertise on energy conservation is a very important aspect in moving forward towards an energy conscious nation. This was a key requirement in establishing the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA) in October 2007, with the enacting of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Act No. 35 in 2007. Through this institutional authority, both the industrial sector and the general public are gaining many benefits regarding energy and its applications.
The Energy Management division of the SLSEA carries out its activities with a long term target of reducing 20% of energy consumed in the year 2010, by 2020. Programmes of a national scale are conducted to achieve this milestone. The activities of the Energy Management division have contributed to ‘Demand Side Management’, reducing the annual energy demand growth from 7% to 4%.
Loshan Palayangoda, Consultant-ISB Receiving the National
Energy Efficiency Awards 2012 from Hon. Minister (Power & Energy) Patali Champika Ranawaka (source: http://isb.lk/news.html) | | |
Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Award (SLNEEA) is a part of driving Sri Lanka towards energy efficient life style following the mission of Demand Side management. This award programme is the premier national sustainable energy event of Sri Lanka, the Vidulka Exhibition, organized by the Energy Management division of SLSEA in collaboration with the Ministry of Power & Energy (MoPE).
Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Award scheme has three major components.
National Energy Efficiency Award (NEEA)
II. Best Energy Services Company (ESCO) Award
III. Sri Lanka’s Leading Energy Personality Award
These awards are presented to honor the efforts and contribution of the industrial institutions and individuals in promoting energy conservation and renewable energy usage. The institutions that excel in these areas are recognized as examples for other industrial institutions to follow.
The winners are chosen by considering the projects that exhibit the highest annual savings in electricity and thermal energy, with the best return on investment (ROI), highest percent of energy savings and the most innovative energy-efficiency projects and renewable energy usage. Screening of submissions and the selections will be done by an evaluation committee and a review committee appointed by the SLSEA.
The long term objective of SLNEEA is to encourage all leading industry institutes to compete for this energy awards, and hence to optimize energy usage of the leading energy consumers of Sri Lanka, because demand side management would only be efficient only if the major energy consumers are controlled in their energy usage.
The most highlighted issues in this award scheme are the lack of awareness in the Industrial sector about this award procedure. In addition, most of the institutions are not up to the required standards set by the SLSEA (especially in ESCO awards).
The following lines explain the aims and objectives of the award, and the opportunities and the procedure to apply for the scheme.
I. National Energy Efficiency Award (NEEA)
Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Award is given in order to provide national recognition to establishments for their energy efficiency improvement activities. This award scheme has a specialty as it recognizes energy management systems in organizations, without merely focusing on specific projects of the institution.
Awards showcase successful implementation of innovative, cost effective and transferable energy efficiency measures across a range of categories as large, medium and small, for the following sectors.
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Services
- Hotels
- Commercial buildings
- State sector office buildings
(c) Healthcare
But there are certain conditions to be fulfilled before applying for the award by an industrial institute. The main condition is that the entity must be located in Sri Lanka, for a minimum period of three years prior to the application date.
The National Best Energy Services Company (ESCO) Awards competition is the annual event Energy Services Companies to win recognition for their efforts in promoting energy conservation in Sri Lanka. The evaluation criteria have been formulated to comply with the underlying theme of the award scheme; "promote energy conservation in the country through high quality energy services".
Professional Met Consultancy Services (Pvt) Ltd
Industrial Services Bureau
Access Energy Solutions (Pvt) Ltd
EnerFab (Pvt) Ltd
This award is presented in recognition of the individuals in Sri Lankan power and energy sector whose broad vision and efforts promote the use of innovative approaches related to energy.
It’s your turn now!!!
Contribution extended by the industrial sector by having a concern on this matter elevates the quality of sustainable development in the country, while ensuring energy saving. The energy consumers receive more value to their brand with such award, where as the energy supplier enjoys a relief in load due to energy saving measures. Therefore both the energy supply and the demand sides reach a win-win situation as a result of this award scheme. If your business is maintaining a high standard of energy efficiency, you too are a winner in this arena.
Please follow these links and find the appropriate information. If you need further information, please contact the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority.
Application Procedure for Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Award:
Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Award 2013 Award for Excellence in Energy Conservation and Management – Guide Book:
Article By:
Isuru Kasthurirathne